See now the benefits of bodybuilding

Practicing physical activity goes beyond just aesthetics, as it strengthens muscles, well being and preventing diseases. See benefits of bodybuilding.

See now the benefits of bodybuilding – Much more than just aesthetics

Most people decide to start training only for aesthetic reasons such as losing weight and having a defined body. What many people don’t know is that bodybuilding offers many benefits to your life.

Benefícios da musculação

1- Improves cardiovascular health

Exercising requires more activity of the heart, as a result, it becomes more and more prepared for it.

In addition, the heart is also a muscle, which means that it also responds to training. Therefore, people who train strength undergo very important adaptations to the heart muscle making the heart healthier and stronger.

Muscle contraction causes vasodilation, as a result, this generates an increase in blood flow and lowers blood pressure. That is, in addition to improving the health of the cardiovascular system, this contraction also helps in the prevention of diseases.

2- Improves the quality of sleep

Bodybuilding reduces stress, anxiety and provides physical fatigue. These factors, along with a healthy diet, are capable of improving sleep hours. In addition, weight training done in the morning is great for improving sleep quality, as it increases energy expenditure during the day. Studies point out that practicing weight training is one of the best ways to solve insomnia problems. In addition, a good night’s sleep provides more mood, generates a feeling of well being and improves mood.

3- Relieves symptoms of depression

First of all, weight training is not a substitute for medication. However, this is a very important tool that usually prevents and fights this disease. However, in some cases, physical exercise can reduce the doses of medication. This happens because during bodybuilding a hormone called endorphin is released that is responsible for the feeling of well being. As a result, the chemical imbalances in the brain that cause depression are reduced and the body begins to work with less negative charge.

4- Improved sex life

Bodybuilding releases a hormone called testosterone, which is responsible for maintaining libido and several other functions related to sexual performance. Bodybuilding improves self-esteem and because of the change in body image, combined with the increase in sex hormones, bodybuilding is responsible for improving sex life.

5- Prevents diabetes

Weight training causes the muscles to not create insulin resistance, as a result, the cells are able to use glucose more effectively. Therefore, this exercise helps to control blood sugar levels.

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