Nike Training Club: Best app for training at home

Nike training, Nike’s app, is one of the best options for maintaining your workout routine at home. The workout app is available free of charge for android and ios phones, and is ideal for people who want to work out but don’t have the time or desire to go to a gym.

The trainings are given through audio and video instructions, so that the user can reproduce the movements displayed on the screen of his cell phone.

The app brings together exercises for all types, ages and intensity levels. From beginners to advanced, with classes that work specific muscle groups or to achieve different bodily goals.

Training for all audiences

NTC uk

Training lasts from 5 to 30 minutes. According to Nike’s official website, there are more than 185 workouts available on the app, which can be found through three previous filters: muscle group, type of workout and equipment.


Muscle Group

This category is formed by three subcategories: abdomen and torso, arms and shoulders and buttocks and legs. Each subcategory has several different workouts that vary in time, intensity and need (or not) for equipment. At the bottom of this page you can filter the exercises exactly by these requirements and set up a particular workout.


Type of training

Another category available on the Nike Training Club is workout type. In it, there are other subcategories: endurance, mobility, strength and even Yoga. The choice of exercises is exactly the same as the previous category. All you have to do is click on the chosen option, see the available trainings.


We are often discouraged from training at home because we don’t have equipment like the gym. To solve this problem Nike Training Club shows you that there are a multitude of exercises that can be done without any type of material or equipment. In this category, it is possible to inform if you have basic equipment, complete equipment or if you would like to practice without any equipment.

Custom training

You can set up your complete workout in the app, focused on your personal goal, which can be weight loss, mass gain or even a light workout for those who are not used to physical activity.

To set up your schedule, just go to the plans field, in the top tab of the app, provide all the necessary information – such as how many times you would like to exercise per week, what equipment is available, what kind of training you would like to do – and that’s it! The app will give you all your activities grid, divided into days and weeks. Plus tips and extra content.

Nike Training Club Collections

Another really cool feature that has a series of workouts that they call “hand-picked” is the collections tab. In it, you can find schedules of up to 12 sets for more specific goals, such as exercises to improve your running performance to improve your mood, to help with menstrual cramps, among others.

NTC gives you all these features for free. There is the premium option which, in addition to all the information given here, also has a nutritional program, professional advice and more exercise.